04 Dec 2014

Grant to help students prepare for their future

Grant to help students prepare for their future

The School of Business and Technology was awarded the North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities Women’s Economic Empowerment program grant in the amount of $9,000.

The significant focus of the program is to encourage female students (first and second-year students who have note declared a major) to choose their majors and prepare them to think about jobs after graduation.

According to Dr. F. Perna Carter, dean of the School of Business and Technology, the grant will be used to provide personal and professional training opportunities for female students so they are equipped to make a great first impression on potential employers, graduate school recruiters, the campus community, etc.

“We must instill pride and self-worth in our students while coaching them through choosing the right majors,” Carter said. “We must teach them to become the business professionals they are destined to be. Students can learn as much outside of the classroom as they learn in it.”

Some of the mentoring activities will include career exploration activities, financial literacy workshop, dress for success seminars, proper etiquette and how to deal with cultural differences.